Sunday, May 5, 2013

Note Taking

Note Taking Techniques

  • Cornell System

Walter Park designed the effective way of note taking called the Cornell system.You can rearrange notes easily, or remove notes to spread them out and study.

Shown below is the page layout.

Cue Column

The questions which are known as cues should be written in the cue column.This helps you to think about the lecture, get a clear understanding of the meanings, strengthens your memory and you will be able to predict test and exam items. 

The summaries

The summary should be written in your own words, this gives a brief description about the important material on the page. 

Note-taking area

The space allocated for notes-taking enables you to record your notes during the lecture.You should develop a system of abbreviations or short-forms used in sending cell phone messages to avoid missing information during the lecture. 

  • Outlining Method

This method is used to write the information categorizing them into main topics, sub topics and etc.This method is very useful as a study guide or when you have to get ready for an essay or for  short answer exam.

Shown below is the format for the outlining method

Title or Topic  

I. Main topics will be the main headings ( to the left side of the paper near the margin)  

   A. Major sub-topics (indented and subordinate to the preceding heading)  
       1. Minor sub-topic (indented under A)  
       2. Minor sub-topic (indented under A)  
           a. Detail (under 2)  
           b. Detail  

B. Major sub-topic (indented the same as major sub-topic A)  
   1. Minor sub-topic  
      a. Detail (under 1)  
      b. Detail  

II. Continue in the same way with main topic #2, #3, etc. 

  • Charting Method

This charting method consists a table with columns and rows that helps to summarize the most important facts found in articles.Word processor or spread sheet or a huge sheet of page is used as a normal paper is not wide enough.  

Concept A
Concept B
Concept C
Concept D

Recommended procedure:

Step 1: Read texts "diagonally", and just mark the most relevant concepts, theories, models, hypothesis,etc.
Step 2: Make a matrix of the most important concepts like above
Step 3: Sort concepts. Keep the most important ones, unite the similar ones and throw away the ones you won't need.
Step 4: Write

  • Mapping Method

This method is considered as an excellent way of note-taking that uses diagrams to record information.Information may be presented using shape or color.This method is also effective when organizing for a paper.

  • Sentence Method

This method could be used easily and is suitable for lectures when the information is instructed by the instructor very quickly.

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