Sunday, May 5, 2013


About SQ4R

SQ4R is a simple reading technique which was developed in order for users to find reading easy and comfortable. This technique really make the ones who don't like reading to read. I personally prefer this technique as it helps to identify the nutshell of the book in a glance. It helps me find the exact facts I need especially when referring due to an assignment purpose or research project. SQ4R is more kind of a strategy I would say.

Basically, SQ4R means Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Rite and Review. 

This video shows how SQ4R could be used when referring books.

  • Survey

This is basically about getting to know about the book contents by glancing through the pages. For example, one could start by understanding the contents and then finding out key headings which are relevant to him/her. Also pictures in pages could help you know which topic it is referring to you.

The intention of survey is for you to know the structure of the book, so that you could easily find out what you cam looking for.

  • Question

The next step is to question yourself based on  identified topics, such as:

  1. Is the necessary topics covered ?
  2. Whether all doubts are cleared ?
  3. is further referencing needed ?
By asking question to yourself you would know where you stand and make decisions accordingly, such as whether to continue reading other contents of the book, is the particular book relevant? or have I got what I came for ?, etc.

  • Read

Then you slowly start reading, make sure you start with the comfortable area and gradually read the other relevant topics. You may sometimes not understand the facts mentioned, but do not worry, try to find out the key point in a paragraph.

  • Recite

This is there for you to understand better in the ones you failed. You start by reading it aloud (reciting), try to do it as many times as possible so that you get the hang of it. personally for me it helped me a lot in understanding what actually the paragraph says.

  • Review

This is the final stage where you analyse the questions you asked before and answering yourself. This process will develop your reading skill and the next time you read a book you will do it faster.

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